Episode 28

How to build the career of your dreams with Janice Ellig

January 9, 2020

Episode 28: How to build the career of your dreams with Janice Ellig

From executive recruiting and coaching to advocating for women and minorities to gain leadership roles, Janice Ellig has spent her career helping others craft their own success. In episode #28, Janice shares the big decisions and daily actions that can help you pursue your professional dreams.

You can connect with Janice on LinkedIn, Twitter or via email.

Career Building: Key takeaways from episode 28

  • 25% of the board seats at Fortune 500 companies are currently held by women. Janice explains a reasonable plan to reach parity, or a 50-50 split between men and women, by 2025, simply by starting at the very top and cascading downward through the ranks and into the pipeline. Leading companies have already realized that diverse leadership leads to better results.

  • Having a coach or advisory board of people you trust to give you honest feedback is critical to long-term career success. As objective advisors, these types of people can help you to see if you’re realizing your purpose and continuing to grow.

  • Before making a career move, do your homework on the culture. Poor decisions are often the result of a failure to assess culture fit before taking on a new role. Do not underestimate the importance of doing your research and understanding what you’re really getting into.

  • Invest in relationships. You will need support when you make a mistake or get off track, and those people you’ve helped in the past will be more than happy to stand up for you. Don’t wait for a bad performance review—look for the little signs that you’re off track, such as being excluded from key meetings. These should be triggers to turn to the people you trust.

  • Politics are the informal way things get done in companies. You can use this to your advantage if you understand the landscape, are a strong fit for the culture, and align with the people who are credible and want to do good. In high-performing organizations, we all succeed together, so look for opportunities to help others and seek honest feedback.

  • Find your purpose, love what you do, and make sure you stay relevant even when life demands that your career goes on the back burner. It’s particularly important for women not to opt out. Reflect on those times in your life when you felt most happy and fulfilled, and let that be your guide for where you want to go in the future.

Additional resources from Janice Ellig

Driving The Career Highway By Janice Reals Ellig and William J. Morin

What Every Successful Woman Knows By Janice Reals Ellig and William J. Morin

Ellig Group also offers the opportunity to join a conference call designed for women looking to join their first board. Led by Janice, or another senior staff member, this group conversation allows each participant to benefit from each other’s questions.  Ellig Group does not charge any fee for participation. Materials to aid in the discussion are sent the week prior.

The calls are on the first Wednesday of the month, scheduled for 10:00am EST. 

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