Episode 45

How your purpose guides your life with Peggy Sealfon

February 18, 2021

Peggy Sealfon Episode 45

Defining your purpose—that feeling of fire in your belly—is deeply connected with your overall health and wellness. In episode 45, we welcome back health and wellness coach Peggy Sealfon to discuss how to create a purpose, or vision statement, and hear about how to connect to your purpose every day. As she did in episode 21, Peggy shares a wealth of resources and tips to help all of us keep the most important things at the forefront of our lives.

You can connect with Peggy on Facebook and find out more about her coaching on her website.

Resources mentioned in the episode

Peggy and Diana share a variety of resources during the episode, including:

Finding Your Purpose: Key takeaways from episode 45

  • Bring your best energy to video calls by paying attention to your executive presence, personal appearance, and posture. Not only do you want to ensure you’re showing up as a professional, but you’re also creating energy for others to feed from.

  • Finding your purpose gives you a direction and a path for your life. Peggy defines purpose as having an intention or objective that you’re driven to do. It’s the fire in the belly that compelled her to write her new novel. Purpose is also linked to longevity and overall vitality.

  • When you’ve defined your purpose, revisit it regularly. Whether it’s a ten-minute meditation in the morning, a note on your mirror, or a recap at the end of the day, help your brain to keep your purpose in front of everything you do.

  • Your purpose, or vision, can also help you to create a screen for making decisions about anything from hiring, projects, or even choosing how to spend your time.

  • Our purpose does change over time as our life circumstances change. Be flexible and open to pursuing a new purpose as your life evolves.

  • Nurture your relationships, both professionally and personally. This is another area that’s linked to longevity, and it’s also been a struggle for so many people during the pandemic.

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