Episode 47

How empowered leaders create engaging work environments with Patrick Cournoyer

April 22, 2021

Ep 47 Patrick Cournoyer Quote UPDATED.png

Today’s employees have three top concerns: diversity and inclusion; flexible working; and career growth. The leaders that are setting themselves and their organizations up for success in the future are focused on creating the best work environments where people are safe bringing their whole selves to work, as well as supported in their physical and mental wellbeing. Patrick Cournoyer, Chief Evangelist at Peakon (a Workday company), shares ideas that enable leaders to focus on the things that matter most to their employees.

You can connect with Patrick on LinkedIn.

How to create engaging work environments as an empowered leader: Key takeaways from episode 47

  • Our number one tip from today’s episode is to always be nurturing your network. Patrick and Diana met at a conference a dozen years ago, and that relationship has only recently borne fruit. As Patrick put it, one connection could make all the difference in the world to you in a day or a decade.

  • The best leaders in businesses today are actively seeking ways to connect on a personal level with the people around them. Building stronger relationships between managers and employees, as well as colleagues on any level, is absolutely critical to long-term success.

  • Organizations need to build safe environments so that people are comfortable to make those personal connections. This isn’t just the responsibility of senior leadership or HR—we can all play a role in supporting our colleagues and creating a comfortable work environment.

  • Patrick’s most recent research has revealed the priorities of employees around the world. Among the most important topics are diversity and inclusion; flexible working; employee wellbeing; and career growth. As organizations are thinking about how they move into the future, they’re going to face an ever more competitive landscape in recruiting and retaining top talent. Focusing on these priority areas will be key.

  • Forward-thinking organizations are being proactive in helping their employees to manage mental health challenges. What was once the purview of HR has become the responsibility of all leaders to ensure people have the resources and support they need to maintain both physical and mental wellness. Patrick encourages all talent champions to get more comfortable with being vulnerable in their conversations.

  • Likewise, we need to make sure people are comfortable bringing their whole selves to work. When we can do that, there’s no stopping our productivity and potential.

  • Patrick’s one-on-one meetings with the people on his team take place at the beginning and end of each week, and the Friday meeting is focused on making personal connections and celebrating wins.

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